Help Stock Our Comfort Closet

Help Stock Our Comfort Closet with Items for Kids in Foster Care
Our Comfort Closet is a one-stop shop for our Guardian ad Litem advocates, families, and youth who have aged out of Foster Care. This closet ensures access to toys, basic needs, and dignity items to help bring comfort and provide children who are in foster care with items that help meet their physical, social, and emotional needs.
Every donation makes a difference for vulnerable youth in our community. We are always in need of supplies to help stock our closet. From baby items – like diapers, wipes, baby clothes, and toys – to items for our teens and aging-out youth, your gift makes a real impact. To see our wishlist and become a part of this support network, please click here.
Check out a tour of our comfort closet with Voices For Children President and CEO, Kadie Black, below.