The 6th annual Party For A Cause is April 18 at 6pm. View sponsorship opportunities and buy tickets here.

Javier F. Aviñó, Esq.

Board Member

Partner, Land Development & Government Relation
Bilzin Sumberg Baena Price & Axelrod LLP

Javier F. Aviñó is the Practice Group Leader of Bilzin Sumberg’s Land Development & Government Relations Group and Co-Chair of the Firm’s International Group. He focuses his practice on land use, zoning, and environmental law, representing both domestic and international clients. Javier’s experience includes the representation of both private and public sector clients before various state, county, municipal governments and regulatory bodies throughout South Florida. Javier joined Voices For Children’s Board of Directors in 2018.

“Effective representation of children in the legal system has a major impact for both the children and for our community. Having deep roots here in South Florida, it is a privilege to be involved with Voices For Children in support of youth in need.”

Blue Mission Students

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