
Michelle is 13 years old and has been in foster care for three years. Unfortunately, Michelle was removed due to abuse and has been living in a shelter ever since. Michelle loves art and feels it has been a powerful tool in her healing. Recently, she participated in an art workshop hosted by Voices For Children in partnership with Dreams Hatchery Foundation called "How I See Myself." There, individuals are asked to look in a mirror and draw and paint what they see or would like to see in themselves. This exercise allows subjects to visualize their hopes and dreams for the future and translate those into a tangible, visible image.
"The first time I did the workshop it was difficult, but the second time was much easier and made an impression on me," Michelle says.
Michelle continues to draw daily and hopes to enter an arts magnet high school next year. She envisions herself as a famous artist and plans to use earnings from her art to donate to causes like Voices that help youth like her.