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Meet KADIE BLACK | Voices For Children President & CEO

Shoutout Miami

May 15, 2024

Voices For Children President & CEO Chats with Shoutout Miami.

We had the good fortune of connecting with KADIE BLACK and we’ve shared our conversation below.

Hi KADIE, is there something that you feel is most responsible for your success?
Voices For Children Foundation Inc. is a Miami-based nonprofit that serves as a beacon of hope for children experiencing foster care. We provide critical funding to the local Guardian ad Litem Office – which provides courtroom and community advocacy for children in the system – while also ensuring that children and youth have access to basic needs and dignity items. We are also memory-makers, we curate experiences that spark wonder. From college tours to service trips and fun activities, these experiences are all meant to expose our youth to a world beyond their circumstances, igniting the potential within. As CEO and President of Voices For Children, I wouldn’t say there’s one single factor behind our success. It’s truly a combination of dedicated people, powerful experiences, and a relentless focus on our mission.
First and foremost, our team is incredible. We have passionate staff members who bring years of experience and unwavering commitment to the well-being of our youth. We’re fortunate to have a Board that goes above and beyond. Many members extend their commitment by chairing events and volunteering directly with children in care. Their tireless efforts create a supportive atmosphere where our youth can truly heal and thrive.
A huge factor behind our success is our unwavering commitment to breaking the cycle of abuse and poverty for children in the foster care system. Everything we do – from the experiences planned to the support we provide – is driven by our core mission.
We believe every child deserves a chance to heal, grow, and reach their full potential. Seeing the spark of hope and determination ignite in our youth’s eyes – that’s what makes it all worthwhile.

Let’s talk shop? Tell us more about your career, what can you share with our community?
I’ve dedicated my career to the nonprofit sector, starting at 19. Before leading Voices For Children as President and CEO, I served as Director of Development at Kristi House. This Miami organization provides comprehensive care for childhood trauma survivors, offering treatment, advocacy, and coordinated services in a nurturing environment.
Earlier in my career, I held the Director of External Affairs position at Our Kids of Miami-Dade/Monroe, Inc. While living in New York, I founded and led the Gantry Parent Association on  Long Island City, Queens.
All these experiences have prepared me to lead Voices For Children. Here, my mission is to shatter the cycle of abuse and poverty for children in the foster care system.
I’m incredibly passionate about the opportunities we create for our youth. Just last month, we took 19 kids on a college tour across Florida, visiting seven campuses. This trip was a revelation for them. They saw themselves living the college life – attending classes, residing in dorms, and participating in extracurricular activities. It was inspiring for them to see diverse students succeeding in college. Later this year, we’ll continue our tradition with the Blue Missions trip. This annual program takes our youth on a service-oriented adventure to the Dominican Republic. They spend a week helping a community in need with essential resources like clean water.
Throughout the year, we offer a variety of fun activities like Heat games, cooking classes, and salsa lessons. Our youth deserve these enriching experiences. We want them to know that there’s a world of possibilities beyond their current circumstances. By providing these opportunities, we equip them with the powerful tool of dreaming big.
So, while we provide youth with basic necessities and dignity items (anything from hygiene products to help with housing, and beyond), our team is so passionate about providing them with experiences that broaden their perspectives.

If you had a friend visiting you, what are some of the local spots you’d want to take them around to?
I love having friends visit! Miami is such a fun and vibrant place to live, and I love it so much! We would start at my favorite spot, El Rey De Las Fritas, in Little Havana for lunch before heading to Wynwood for art and culture. The talent that is amassed among the walls of the buildings is breathtaking and extremely impressive. Because I am so passionate about my work there’s no question that at some point, we would head to the Voices For Children office in downtown to see our “comfort closet” filled with essentials for kids in foster care, and those aging out of the system. After that, we would head to Bali Cafe on NE 2nd for some Indonesian fare before heading to a Heat game or a gala! I love attending all the social functions supporting our community’s incredible non-profits. Joe’s Stone Crabs is a must on any trip to Miami! Returning to Miami in 2020 has given me a new appreciation for this fabulous city and all it has to offer!

The Shoutout series is all about recognizing that our success and where we are in life is at least somewhat thanks to the efforts, support, mentorship, love and encouragement of others. So is there someone that you want to dedicate your shoutout to?
For the past 20 years, I’ve been deeply impacted by the incredible people I’ve met working with children in foster care. It all started with my parents. My mother, a lifelong advocate for youth in the system, instilled in me a passion for community and justice. My father, a criminal attorney, always emphasized the importance of helping others. Throughout my career, I’ve come to define success by the brighter futures we can build for these deserving children. At Voices For Children, we’re proud to play a part in supporting Miami-Dade’s youth, thanks to the incredible generosity of our donors and advocates. But as the saying goes, “it takes a village.” We wouldn’t be here without the dedicated Guardians ad Litem, the unwavering support of like-minded organizations, the love and stability provided by foster families, and the crucial role of the Judiciary in ensuring these children receive everything they need to heal and thrive.

Blue Mission Students

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You can lend your voice by donating, volunteering for our Guardians Ad Litem program, or starting a conversation in your community. We always need volunteers and donations - whatever you can do helps.

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