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Miami New Times' Best of Miami 2024: Voices For Children

Miami New Times

Jun 25, 2024

More than half a million kids in the U.S. are in the foster care system for many different reasons — none of them good. It's an experience that is both traumatizing and disempowering for families, especially children who are largely at the mercy of adult decisions. Often, they've experienced abuse, abandonment, and neglect at home and in the system. Here in Miami, we're lucky to have a guiding light for these kids with Voices for Children. Cofounded by Miami-Dade County Mayor Daniella Levine Cava in 1984, this nonprofit raises funds to ensure that every child in this vulnerable group has guardian ad litem representation, which means they'll have an advocate with them in court. They also work to make sure kids have the things they need that give us dignity, like school supplies, toiletries, and enriching experiences that open up their worlds.

Blue Mission Students

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