A Day of Fun and Learning at the Miami Children’s Museum with Voices For Children Foundation and Nomi Health
On Saturday, Feb. 26, VFC esteemed supporter and sponsor, Nomi Health, teamed up with Voices For Children Foundation and the Guardians ad Litem to host an engaging and educational experience for 150 of our kids and their caretakers at the Miami Children’s Museum. The Miami Children’s Museum offers interactive exhibits, programs and learning materials related to arts, culture and our community.
Throughout the day, our children explored their creativity through informative stations and participated in magic and science shows while also enjoying pizza and mingling with their friends. At the end of the day, kids took home a toy that served as a reminder of the joy they deserve to experience. Admission to the children’s museum ranges from $12 to $26, which is an additional cost and barrier that hinders children in foster care from engaging in activities that are typical for kids their age. Thank you to Nomi Health for making this day possible for them!

“On Saturday, I witnessed the joy that VFC and its partners work to create in the lives of children in foster care. With the unwavering support and generosity of Nomi Health and our donors, the event was a success. VFC provides the experiences children need to dream big and live the moments, memories and opportunities that will lead them to a brighter future.”
–VFC President and CEO Kadie Black

“Nomi is proud to support the Voices for Children Foundation and its mission to improve the lives of foster children in Miami-Dade County. By investing in this critical cause, we solidify our commitment to this community with the hopes of making a lasting impact on the future of our community. Every child should have the opportunity to thrive.”
– Nomi Health Florida General Manager Ron Goncalves

“Congratulations on such a well-planned and executed event! It brought me and my children so much happiness to have the opportunity to visit the Miami Children’s Museum. Your generosity is highly appreciated!”
– Elisa Rossi, foster parent and Guardian ad Litem volunteer