The 6th annual Party For A Cause is April 18 at 6pm. View sponsorship opportunities and buy tickets here.

May 2024 Impact

May 2024 Report- 2024 Experiences

Our May 2024 Impact

In May, 1,530 young people were placed in the foster care system throughout Miami-Dade. These children entered the foster care system due to abuse, neglect, or abandonment. Voices For Children works to provide a safety net for all children and youth in care.

Voices For Children provides critical funding to the 11th Judicial System's Guardian ad Litem Office, providing critical funding to ensure that all children that enter the system have quality representation.

Our Children's Needs Program

Aside from ensuring that children have Guardians ad Litem to represent their best interests in the court room and community, we have a dedicated Children's Needs Program that provides additional support to children and youth experiencing foster care throughout Miami-Dade County.

This program exists to ensure that children in care have:

  • Basic Needs Met: Securing shelter, food, and clothing.
  • Dignity and Normalcy: Toys, games, school supplies, celebrations, and more.
  • Positive Experiences: Activities that spark dreams and build hope.

2024 Experiences- January through June

Our May 2024 Highlights

  • 100% of children in Miami-Dade County's foster care system have Guardian ad Litem representation.
  • Three Events Organized: We provided or partnered on enriching experiences for our youth.
  • Buffalo Cove Camp Adventure: Fourteen youth embarked on a transformative summer camp in North Carolina. Campers learned, played, and built connections with nature alongside experienced staff.
  • First Time Flying: For some, this trip marked a significant milestone – their first airplane ride!

Blue Mission Students

LendYour Voice

You can lend your voice by donating, volunteering for our Guardians Ad Litem program, or starting a conversation in your community. We always need volunteers and donations - whatever you can do helps.

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