The 6th annual Party For A Cause is April 18 at 6pm. View sponsorship opportunities and buy tickets here.

Past Be A Voice Galas

Every January, Voices For Children hosts its annual philanthropic Be A Voice Gala. The annual fundraising gala hosts over 400 members of the community and takes place at the Mandarin Oriental in Miami including a cocktail reception, live auction and dinner. Guests hear the heartfelt testimonials and purpose behind the work of Voices For Children and the Guardians ad Litem Program while concluding the evening with high-energy dancing.

Check out some highlights from 2023's historic $1.1 M fundraise and more: 

2023 Be A Voice Gala

2022 Be A Voice Gala:  25 Years of Fostering Angles

2019 Be A Voice Gala: Make Magic

2017 Be A Voice Gala: Be A Voice

2016 Be A Voice Gala

Blue Mission Students

Lend Your Voice

You can lend your voice by donating, volunteering for our Guardians Ad Litem program, or starting a conversation in your community. We always need volunteers and donations - whatever you can do helps.

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